Andrew: wanna watch a movie?
Sam: not right now. Im in text mode.
Andrew: get off the phone!!!
Adjective; typically referring to a person (self or others)generally under the influence or intoxicated as they attempt to form sounds and syllables to coalesce into words or sentences.
Origin: originating in 1997 in Port Jefferson station NY somewhere on Comsewogue school district grounds while engaging in copious amounts of marijuana consumption.
Person A: ghdjxotbosudbf
Person B: dude what the fuck did you just say?
Person C: that mothafucker is in mumble mode.
Person B: Here bro, just take another hit...
Person A: hdjdirbtbxizir <hits blunt again>
Being so drunk and high that your ability to move is no longer functioning. Everything spins and you blackout, and eventually teleport to the bathroom where you wake up puking. Similar to being abducted by aliens.
Kid has eyes closed with his hands on his head: "Oh look at Jeff, he's for sure in Alien mode!"
3👍 1👎
When you are absolutely plastered on xanax and alcohol and cannot even comprehend what reality is. It is seemingly a wormhole of darkness. It's xantastic.
"Man I sure was in cripple mode after taking five xanax and drinking a whole 5th of vodka!"
"Damn dude I don't even remember last night, I must have been in cripple mode."
When you do something epic or ballsy.
Driver: oh shit, there's some kids crossing the road, time to go sicko mode
*Proceeds to rapidly accelerate*
The moments before you get intimate with your significant other.
Also known as caking.
Whats good?
Whats up?
Just chilling you tryna go play ball?
Nah, my lady just came in town, so you know I'm on bun mode.
Ight well I'll just hit you tomorrow or something.
The condition that arises when one spends a great amount of time working behind a computer such that communication with a human is a challenge and often degraded. The condition can be identified by one's inability to answer simple questions such as "Want to go to lunch?" or "What are your plans for the weekend?" A typical reply would start with "Umm" followed by a stuttering and slurring of words resulting in a lack of ability to carry a conversation with a human.
Colleague: "What are your plans for the weekend."
The Reply: "Umm, yeah. The weekend? Yeah. What about it? Is that tomorrow?"
Colleague (still hasn't given up on the conversation): "Have anything fun planned?"
The Reply: "Uhhh -for what?"
Colleague: "Man, you're stuck in computer mode."