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International KM day

The day where women can revenge on men

Oh isn't it International KM day?

by F;ant;a May 4, 2021

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International Emma’s day

March 25 is Emma girls day we’re all the girls named Emma are celebrated!

Girl named Emma: guess what day it is today?
Mom: International Emma’s day

by Doraisoncrack2011 March 21, 2021

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Stockholm International School

An international school located in Stockholm, Sweden. Superior teaching to North American schools, but you better be ready to work, because you will be required to do around 15 hours of homework a week at the highest level of the school. Grades are out of seven, but also sometimes out of eight, or six, or ten, now try comparing marks from class to class. Consists of a primary school, the MYP program (Middle Years program, grades 6 to 10) and the DP program (Diploma program, grades 11 and 12). Fun games to play include 'name that accent' as many students have either lived in multiple countries and have a mixed accent or were taught English by someone from a different country. The food is fairly good, better then the local Swedish schools at least, and there can be anything from fish, to another kind of fish, to pasta, to hamburgers. The MYP and DP students have Macbook Air's supplied by the school so they tend to travel in groups when going from the main building of the school to the

annex so as not to get mugged. Just kidding of course, Stockholm is a very safe city, but walking around with a laptop in plain view sort of screams 'rich kid'. Overall a very good school.

"I am going to attend Stockholm International School."
"I attend Stockholm International School."
"I attended Stockholm International School."
"I got kicked out of Stockholm International School."
"I climbed the roof of the annex of Stockholm International School."
"I failed Swedish at Stockholm International School because it is an impossible language and it's not fair how the Norwegian and Danish kids are so good at it."

by SIS Student November 26, 2013

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International lilt day

The day to celebrate the godly creation that is lilt the 27th of September each year u must praise the lilt gods and get fuckked up with Smirnoff no ice it’s cold enough

An example of lilt being defined on international lilt day β€œFuck me that lilt and vodka got me messed up that shit the good Cush”

by Liltlover69 October 27, 2020

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High Tech International

The school that will never exist!!
see also bullshit
Spawn of High Tech High

You here about those kids going to High Tech International? fuckin sucks for them!

by Keeper of the Fucking Key May 27, 2004

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International Space Station

Occurs when two women simultaneously perform the "space docking" manuever. Doing so involves the "ass-to-puss" position, often done by scissoring. A major challenge to the manuever is to create a good seal, and maintain said seal for the duration of the fecal exchange.

Prescott's mom got down on the international space station with Nunley after Rone got done fucking her.

by John Ronestacks December 29, 2007

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International House of Pancakes

A pretty shitty restaurant that sometimes serves mediocre food if the cooks are at their best. However, this is completely acceptable, considering that each patron is drunk of their asses. Who cares what the food tastes like? You'll be throwing it up in the morning.

See Also: IHOP

I just plugged a rather large girl. I just want some fucking pancakes right now, I don't want to think about my dick falling off. I'll save that for tomorrow.

by Greg April 26, 2004

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