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Right Wicked

A statement to show agreement or excitement, mostly used in Maine and New England. Commonly used in conjunction with "Guy" or "Bub".

Person 1: Hey, check out my new truck!

Person 2: Right wicked, Guy!

Person 1: You goin' to the party tonight?
Person 2: Right Wicked!

by Cinymin86 November 15, 2009

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A "Right-to-be-righter" is somebody who fights for the right to be right every time.
Whenever anybody presents an opinion that is not one they agree with, right-to-be-righters jump up and down and make ridiculous claims about the person's ethnicity, intelligence, sexuality, politics, religion, nationality, etc etc. all the while insisting that they are only trying to take away their rights. Which are: "the right to be right"

Most of the time, right-to-be-righters are wrong. If they were ever right, they would not be right-to-be-righters.

"I told him that the government is not Marxist, and he punched me in the face and started running around screaming that I was wrong and I was a pinko anarchist faggot. You know what?"

"Yup, shore do. Another right-to-be-righter."

by 32beansin1pod March 19, 2010

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Right Blindness

1. A curable condition where a person to buy into an ideology, dismissing personal experience that does not fit into the ideology.

2. A curable condition where a person supports the concentration of wealth and power, even when it puts them personally at greater risk of having neither.

Mary: Single mothers are a drain on society.
Barry: Uh, you're a divorcee with a kid. So is your sister.
Mary: But we're different, we work hard! You know the type I mean, stop trying to twist my words!
Barry: How long have you had right blindness?

Even though Bob doesn't make much money, he supports cutting taxes on the rich because he has right blindness.

by PulpPoet August 17, 2012

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making rights

Being correct, or right. Opposite is making lefts, being wrong. Also said as turning rights.

"I'm always making rights, never turning lefts" Keak da Sneak

by Reed A Vander Schaaf October 17, 2007

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right reasons

A term originating from the popular television series 'The Bachelor'/'The Bachelorette' meaning you are in the pursuit of true love and not celebrity. Antonym 'wrong reasons,' for example 'whaboom'

That mofo is not here for the right reasons. Or, that dude brought makeup; he is not here for the right reasons.

by Whaaaaaaaaboom May 30, 2017

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Hit Right

/noun/ Hittin it so hard and often you make her booty grow.

Girl: I think my butt's getting big.

Guy: That's cuz I've been giving you that hit right every night.

by Psoodonim September 7, 2017

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adj, n. British. To the right of the Atlantic Ocean. The term is typically used to qualify variants of the English language or its speakers. Common in alt.usage.english, where it may have originated.

Contrasted with "left-pondian". The rarer "under-pondian" is also sometimes used.

Them right-pondian words are so darn funny!

by Ehud Shapira September 9, 2007

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