A beautiful girl with a fat ass and nice rack that loves to suck cock
Girl: where’s Izzy
Boy: probably sucking a cock
Izzys are beautiful, caring, extremely loyal, and amazing people! On the other hand, she is pretty anti-social. She is amazing in every way and a Sophie would make an amazing best friend.
Person 1, “Who is that beside Izzy? She never talks to anyone!”
Person 2, “Oh that’s Sophie, her best friend!”
Person 1, “Wow, she’s really lucky!”
A smart amazing woman who hates math and everything sport related. Loves art and dyes her hair all the time.
Random person- hey Izzy what are you doing.
Izzy- dying my hair.
Random person- again!?
Izzy- ….
He’s/She’s the best friend you could ask for, he’s/she’s always there for you, he’s/she’s there to listen to your pain while he/she hides their own pain. But get on their bad side they might fuck around and go hurt others emotionally.
Go to Izzy, he’ll/she’ll hear your pain, but don’t get on his bad side.
A cunt bitch, who is a filthy snow monkey from the deepest abyss of Canada. She has a cleft pallet, and she embraces dead children. She is often found in the dumpsters of abortion clinics. There she feasts upon her meal.
She is a dangerous creature, and if pinned in a corner, she will resort to vile blow jobs behind the Applebee's dumpsters.
Be warned, if you see an Izzy. Run while you can
Fuck you Izzy.
Hym "LET'S GOOOOOOOOOO!!!! YES IZZY!! GRIND HIM!!! Oh damn he checked the shit out of that leg kick... That looked like it was on reaction too... OOOOH!! LOOK AT THE ARC ON THAT OVERHAND!!!! YOOOO!!!"