Someone who is generally unlucky in most aspects except getting Covid-19
"Did you hear about Dan? His cat died and his girl left him but he doesn't have covid" "He's gotta have covid luck"
When you’ve been waiting for something to spawn in a game for an extended period of time, but it hasn’t.
Person 1: I’ve been running at this wall for over an hour and nothing has spawned. This game sucks.
Person 2: Luck issue.
When you and your friends get together and get high off of everyones supply.
me: Hey guys you wanna come over for a pot-luck
friends: Sure!
me: Awesome fam. Remember to byow (bring your own weed)!
A group activity in which you drill multiple holes in a pot and have men stick there dick inside the pot.
At this point, the jerker sticks there hand in the pot and randomly selects a cock in the pot and begins jerkering it.
The pot luck player that gets nut on their cock is out.
The final round consist of two men tip to tip. The jerker lubes their hand and uses and single motion to jerk both cocks. The first to nut wins.
( Use competitive sized pot)
Hey guys, let's go pot luck
Hopefully I get lucky in pot luck tonight
Head over to Jason's, he is throwing a pot luck
I came last in pot luck, shit
Damm cleaning up after pot luck last night was rough man
A group activity in which you drill multiple holes in a pot and have men stick there dick inside the pot.
At this point, the jerker sticks there hand in the pot and randomly selects a cock in the pot and begins jerkering it.
The pot luck player that gets nut on their cock is out.
The final round consist of two men tip to tip. The jerker lubes their hand and uses and single motion to jerk both cocks. The first to nut wins.
Hey guys, let's go pot luck
Hopefully I get lucky in pot luck tonight
When you have as much luck as the YouTuber "Dream" on a speedrun.
- Yo i just finished a speedrun in less than 3 minutes, I must have Dream Luck
- Jimmy, go outside.
The name "Dream Luck" is a jab at the Minecraft Speedrunner that goes by the name Dream. Dream has cheated in speedruns, adding modifications that edits mob drop rates in this favor. Dream Luck is when you complete any sort of RNG task with high success by modifications of the game or tampering with your save beforehand. Something that normally, only a very lucky person would achieve. Dream Luck mostly occurs in speedruns but can appear in other forms such as let's plays.
That guy got 12 pearls from just 10 gold! He must have Dream Luck!