1. Something old people did to send messages
2. A text that took forever to get to the receiver.
I sure hope the mail gets here on time.
This is an acronym that means by "My Ass Is Lazy Syndrome". This word is used to get out of your work or school.
And to slowly walk away like a girl boss.
Tcher: Hey why are you not doing anything?
Student: Because I got MAILS!!
Student: Im outta here.
EX 2
Boss: Are you doing your work?
Worker: No.
Boss: Why? Go do it now!
Worker: No. I got MAILS.
Worker: Im outta here.
In Northern Ireland mail means to date someone usually they will ask over text “mail xx” and if you said yes the u would probs talk over Snapchat and irl it would be awkward but if you said no you would tell all your ewww he asked me for a mail cause after that he would probs ask every other girl In your class until someone said yes also these mails would last a day or a week at most
Oh yeah I’m mailing him
He asked me for a mail last week ewww
My Ass Is Laughing.
Used when LOL won't cut it. Similar to LMAO, Smeh or ROFL
Otto: Whats ur biggest fear?
Otto: Mine is knowing we almost never met. You?
Otto: MAIL so hard rn
My Ass Is Laughing
Used to describe when something is so funny LMAO just won't cut it.
Chapman: anal is for assholes
Ottoman: MAIL rn
You've got mail! Check your letterbox.
You've got mail!
Dies of explosion.
An email sent from a male to a group of males regarding motorcycles, vintage cars, or last night's football game while purposely excluding females.
Male: "Hey Shannon, did you see what Brian sent?"
Shannon: "No. I wasn't included in that He-mail."