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Weave Master

One who masters weave.

Britnee: "Pshhh, I'm the Weave Master."
Krystal: "Nigga you a lie,

I AM THE WEAVE MASTER." F yo couch Nigga.

Miranda: "Imma buy you dat car."

by Krystal:D June 4, 2010

18๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž


In Lacanian theory, a signifier which stops the slippage of the signified under the signifier and fixes meaning, thereby forming a stable symbolic order. It is a particular signifier with no signified of its own, which stands in for the "fullness" of the meaning of the symbolic system itself. However, since contingency and lack are taken to be primary in Lacanian theory, it is necessarily arbitrary and is unable to guarantee its own primacy except through arbitrary and ungrounded violence. It is always haunted by the return of the Real.

In my view, this concept is useful but its basis is mistaken. What is repressed is active desire, held down for fear of punishment, and not some kind of ontological void. Lacan is wrong to pose his problems on such a metaphysical level.

by Andy May 7, 2004

50๐Ÿ‘ 26๐Ÿ‘Ž

Stair Master

Doggystyle Intercourse on top of a flight of stairs, when the male knocks out the feemale's arms and rides her the entire way down.
Also see bobsled.

Nicole will be eating through a straw for a few weeks because i gave her the stair master.

by Josh Aussems March 26, 2005

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staff master

n. A male who masterbates excessively.

That guy looks like a staff master.

by shizer July 29, 2004

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Lego Master

is a person that is a master of a small universe. They work for the Lego Company in Denmark and are responsible for any new brick's design, the sets that go on the market, and the models that you see all over the world. Because they get to play with toys for a living they are the biggest kids in the world and are living proof that you can do anything you want.

I want to be a lego master when I grow up.

by blueiniraq October 19, 2007

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steez master

- one who possesses and masters the characteristics of steez and all of its components

- a skier who holds their poles straight out beside them with no regard for other skiers or boarders around them

Oh snap. . . here comes the steez master. I better get out of his way.

Look at the way that skier holds his poles. He's clearly the steez master.

by datBIGdawg317 January 2, 2010

16๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž


Someone who lets you talk and talk until you have completely exposed yourself.

They are masters at fishing for ideas and leading you on.

That Norbert, he is a master-baiter

by whiteson November 18, 2009

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