Michigan is one of the Midwest states in the USA. Michigans weather is more bipolar than a 30 year old crack addict mom. There’s fields everywhere in Southern Michigan and an endless view of trees in Northern Michigan. It’s easier to Find Weed and Meth than it is to find a significant other. You’re rather G or you’re YEE YEE in Michigan.
Friend: “We should go do something fun”
Average Michigander: “The neighbor has an Uzi and a Zip of weed we can steal. Or we could steal the Pure Michigan sign on 127”
Michigan is a place where it’s 20F one day and 80F the next u can meet the Ohio haters in the Lower areas and the Trolls aka basically Canadians in the Upper Penninsula the one state where a hand is ur map and Everyone and I mean Everyone says they are from Detroit or Petoskey everyone born there either hates Ohio or the US as a whole
Random person: where ya from
Michigander: I live near Detroit
Random person: oh cool I’m from Ohio
Michigander: Get. The. Fuck. Away. From. Me.
The southern part sucks ass but the northern parts are beautiful.
“Hey, bro wanna go to Michigan?”
“As long as we go up north.”
“Of course I don’t be in the ghettos.”
Boring place full of farms and poverty. The only thing that gets done is arguing over college football teams and Detroit pew pew violence. Bunch of lakes that are being killed everyday as well, which are fun to swim in as long as they are above its above 60 degrees Fahrenheit. We also have Ford F-150’s and Rams everywhere, as well as Chevy’s.
Bob: “Are you going to Michigan?”
Tim: “Yes.”
Bob: “Isn’t that one of the most boring states?”
Tim “Yes, but they have lakes and fishing.”
A common winter outfit usually worn by males that consistes of a Tshirt, hoodie, shorts, Detroit sports hat (usually ball cap, but if it is exceptionally cold (<0°F) can be a beanie), and any type of shoe, boot, or sandal.
While Steve was vacationing in Florida for Christmas, an unusual cold front came through with temperatures reaching down to 20°F. He grabbed his Lions hoodie, Red Wings hat, and Crocs to complete his Michigan Snowsuit before heading to Walmart (since there was no Meijers) for some last-minute holiday shopping.
the best motherfucking team in the world and way better than the Fuckeyes
Ohio state fucking sucks Michigan wolverines are better
2👍 1👎
A Michigan Air Show is a dumb idea that will end in disaster.
She may be a total psycho but, sure, I'll go out with her. It'll be a real Michigan Air Show.