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Hobo Espresso

The cheap and effective way to wake up a hobo whilst he sleeps. One would pull down the hobos pants and slide ones tongue into the hobos anus, forcing the hobo to wake up abruptly. May also cause him to wipe the spit out of his anus with his crack/meth covered fingers, thus furthering his alertness.

This is told to work better or just as well as a normal espresso that you would buy from your local Starbucks.

"This morning I was given a hobo espresso from Tucker, thats why I'm begging for change so early.

by Michael Franchayzee November 14, 2007

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hobo grand

means great or awsome or grand. friends say it to each other alot and replace it with grand great ect. dont say it to non friends. tell them they smell like cheese!

"Your Hobo Grand!" says Bob

by ~T~ October 19, 2006

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hobo johnson

a Louis Ceilla word suposably origanated from one of his hobo friends that he meets in boston which he does alot

"Hobo Johnson! Cadillac! Windos 98!"

by The Beegees June 21, 2003

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Hippie Hobo

Dresses like a hippie and a hobo

adam is such a hippie hobo

by idk1298746378473 May 28, 2008

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Robo Hobo

the amazing person you wish you could be. It is fearless and takes care of Blue clay that grows under a hedge location: Iyr Likes: OJ in a can, Ninjas

Me and Robo Hobo are gonna see Arthur today.

by Le Real French Ninja April 26, 2011

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Hobo Snow

1. snow found in the habitat of a hobo

2. the droppings of a hobo that has been out for so long, it has turned white

Guy #1: "Dude, let's play in that pile of snow over there!"
Guy #2: "Ew. No, that's hobo snow, man."

Courtney: "Chill out, it's hobo snow."

by Doctor KG February 11, 2011

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hobo choke

The act of paying a hobo to let you choke them while having sex for less then 10$

Did you hear about Jenkens? He totally hobo choked that girl in the alley.

by bytelock September 7, 2017

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