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Boreal Mountain

A decrepit dive bar of a ski resort, usually making the majority of their profit off tourists from a large city that have little experience around snow. These establishments make up for their tourist baiting with a creative park setup.

Dude! Coming out to Montana was sketchy, but we found ourselves a Boreal Mountain hidden in plain sight!

by Sendy McVibes November 25, 2022

High as Mountain

When you cant see strait and need help..... To reach the the highest point in life. Whether it is on drugs or on life. The top.

I couldn't see strait because the highest point of the mountain has been reached. High as Mountain

by Justanaverageperson October 16, 2012

mountain tickler

To replace a traditional "mustache ride" for men with beards instead of mustaches who want their partner to sit on their face.

Who wants a mountain tickler?

by Dwight d Eisenhauer February 7, 2015

mountain goller

A person who licks cows assholes an likes swamp turkeys

You mountain goller

by Hbvhhh November 15, 2020


to have finished consuming all or part of your soft drink of the same name. May be conjugated in any of the "do" forms.

ex. 1
guy 1: "Can we go now? Are you mountain-done?"
guy 2: "Only if her name's Kirsten."

ex. 2
gal 1: "Care for a soft drink?"
gal 2: "Nah, thanks, I'm mountain did."

by Germ Lucidius April 6, 2008

Mountain oysters

Bulls nuts... broiled and full of warm splooge

That redneck over there is sucking on mountain oysters!

by Poon doctor May 12, 2019

mountain bull

mount gay rum and red bull

dude i got so crunk at the Bergh estate off mountain bull.

by Christian12 September 13, 2009