tug of war with hot muscled men in the South as seen on college campuses
The fraternities are doing a rope pull today to see who's the strongest.
When a woman has thin saggy tits, you can grab her by the nipples and use them as battle ropes to work out.
Her boobs hang so low we can use them as battle ropes for cardio today.
Man with a long, large cock
That guy is not real good looking but he always gets hot chicks. He must be hanging a rope.
Damn son, did you see those huge dad ropes he shot on her back??
Celery roping refers to a powerful and voluminous manner of ejaculation. Typified and first coined by male porn star Peter North who suggested adding celery to the diet in order to produce a more powerful ejaculation. Roping itself refers to the individual strings, or ropes, of ejaculate that occur on orgasm.
Damn, did she top Vince up?
Yeh, yeh. Vince outchea celery roping she topped him up so good.
when you've busted a nut and your dick is soft, but your girl wants to keep going, so you have to stuff your flaccid dick in her.
"she wanted more so I gave her the soggy rope"
When someone has overstayed their welcome.
“Hey Dustin, four frogs dont make a rope. Get out of here.”