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weekend cup

a cup with which you use on the weekend when you are drinking to hold an alcoholic beverage without your peers knowing

I need to wash my weekend cup so I can get shitty this weekend at the park

by prekummer October 1, 2022

gold weekend

This upcoming weekend

Susie: "Nickelback concert on Saturday. You coming?"
Zeek: "Nah, I'm going to Bend, OR for the gold weekend"

by Georgecostanza March 18, 2015

lesbian weekend

The act of lesbian couples shacking up after knowing each other for only a short period of time.

A lesbian weekend generally goes something like this:

On Friday, they go on a first date
On Saturday, they rent a UHaul
On Sunday, the adopt a cat together

Did you hear about Sue and Barb? They had a lesbian weekend and now live down the street

by Dpeters756 January 7, 2017

weekend afterglow

Minor changes to physical appearance when you come into work on Monday. You may have gotten a haircut, a tan, or look a bit hungover.

Brian: I'm going to turn the other lights on.
Jay: No keep them off, I don't want everyone to see my weekend afterglow.

by poops-mc-gee June 20, 2016

7 Day Weekend

7 Day Weekend can only be described as a family of wonderful and beautiful individuals all with unique skill, personalities and attributes coming together to form one of the most outstandingly powerful communities in human history.

I found my family and home in 7 Day Weekend

by Good Boy B December 1, 2021

weekend rooter

A man who constantly gets a root every weekend. Usually he’s desperate as and finds the girls at the night clubs

E.g Dylan is a weekend rooter

“Hey wanna come home with the weekend rooter”
“What’s that 10 weeks in a row Dylan you weekend rooter”

by pretty boy hype beast April 6, 2024

Weekend Rooter

A Man who constantly scores a root every weekend. Usually From the night clubs. 9/10 he’s just desperate as.

E.g Dylan is a weekend rooter

“Hey wanna come home with the weekend rooter”
Duke was the weekend rooter until Dylan Stole his bird

by pretty boy hype beast April 6, 2024