Source Code

Phone call

A chat through a device to make you seem less shitty.

"I had a phone call with my friend an hour ago, now I feel like a depressed self-loathing fuck."

by frtisauZhytfr67udsia January 13, 2018

9πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

phone booth

an actual glass enclosed telephone "booth" about 7'X3'X3' designed for having a 'private' conversation?? the fancier ones actually had a little seat, a switchable light/fan combo, and a small writing desk. sometimes i mourn for these when some ass-sucker (so sorry!!, VIP!) is all a-babble two feet from me on a 'soul' (cell) phone.

he stepped into the phone booth to ditch the police.

while talking to elizabeth, he affixed his gum to the bottom of the phone booth seat.

we were feeding slugs to the phone booth, then whapping the 'coin return' to get free calls.

by michael foolsley January 14, 2010

8πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

Phone skitzophrenic

When one acts like a completely different person to who they really are when talking to someone on the phone i.e. their parents.

Guy 1: "Hey dude should we go to that bar tonight and get blazed?

Guy 2: "Hell yeah!"

'Phone rings'

Guy 1: "Oh shit it's my mom. (Answers phone) - Hey mommy, ya everything is just fine, I'm just at the movies with a friend. I'll see you later. Love you."

Guy 2: "Dude, you are totally a phone skitzophrenic."

by Soljaaaah January 17, 2010

14πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

phone sex

Were Two People Are On The Phone And There Both Moaning To Each And There Both Masterbating

Me: Omg I Had The Best Phone Sex Last Night With Craig
Mate: Omg You Had Phone Sex With Him Again!!
Me : Yeah!

by *emo chick* January 15, 2006

339πŸ‘ 291πŸ‘Ž


A phrase that an asshole of a teacher uses when they catch a student texting with their phone hiding in their bag. This said teacher can normally be found teaching Chemistry.

Mr. Halliday took away my phone because he caught me β€œphone-bagging”

I only phone-bag because all the teacher does is talk about how we should drop out

by VonSteuben January 8, 2018

26πŸ‘ 17πŸ‘Ž

phoned out

When you are in a situation where all of the people you are with start talking on their phone.

Whenever I hang out with them I always get phoned out because they are constantly on the phone ignoring me.

by Michael Cullen January 7, 2008

11πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

fail phone

when you buy a cell phone that does not get any bars where you live.

idiot: WOO! i gotz a new phone from sprint!!!
guy who doesn't care: where do you live?
idiot: uh, Washougal?
GWDC: dude, that's a fail phone, stupid.
idiot: ... shut up.

by Spaz De Kat July 15, 2009

67πŸ‘ 50πŸ‘Ž