When you have to take a major dump after a meal, such as Taco Bell, but the time is not now, so you pretend as if there is an imaginary quarter up your asshole and you have to clench it there.
“Hey Mikey, are we almost home? I’m about to piss myself!”
“Bitch I’m getting bathroom first! I’ve been pinching George for the last 20 minutes!”
Piggy pinch is the act of seeing a pink car, then proceeding to say "piggy pinch" while pinching the closest person to just like the act of spotto but pinching
Nathaniel saw a pink car and pinched Ellen while saing piggy pinch
Taking a little more than you should.
I only meant to take one cookie from the jar, but I couldn't resist a piggy pinch and ended up taking two.
I offered my friend some of my chocolate bar, but he ended up piggy-pinching half of the bar.
The word Piggy Pincher can be used as a more friendly way of saying greedy. Hey piggy pincher, don't eat all my chocolate!
"Fucking Asshole" 🥰
"How do you say railway in spanish??"
"pinche pendejo."
When one sticks one in the pink and one in the stink and proceed to pinch like a beetle.
To be a true beetle pinch it has to be done to Drew's mum
Used to describe a person who is abnormally vulnerable to pinching or a victim of accessive domestic pinching.
Elouise stop it! what do you think I am! A pinching bag?
Have you seen those bruises under his arms! His Girlfriend must use him as a pinching bag.
Is when somebody pinches someone else and then denies it
"Who did that!? Was that you, cuz it wasn't me"
"Wasn't me!"
There it was again, did you see it, I didn't see it, it came out of nowhere, that's some bullshit you sneaky pinching jerk!