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tia is a prick

she isnt actually shes an amazing person

hey bro tia is a prick

by marcus lawler August 5, 2023

Prick Panties

A pair of underwear in which an artificial fallical is fitted, to give pleasure during the act of sex between women.

Whilst the young man was viewing lesbian pornography, he was highly aroused by the sight of prick panties.

by stink wizard October 26, 2013

Big Prick

Bigger than your average Prick. Overly annoying, Overly Dramatic, big Asshole, Rude, & Stubborn. Comes off mean and bitchy at times. Can occur without knowledge let them know they’re being a Big Prick

My friend Doubl3 can be such Big prick at times, I don’t think he can help it.

by JusstRo December 1, 2018

fecal prick

a Piece of Shit person is a Fecal Prick

imma fecal prick i got no excuse, but just to bust it loose because it seemed legit, Sixx Digit

by MBK419 February 26, 2015

Petty Prick

When a Uber passenger or someone who frequently post reviews to businesses has a very slight inconvenience or something happens that’s not a big deal and they turn into a Karen giving the Uber driver or business a bad review and 1 star

My Uber passenger gave me 1 star because I took a short cut but ended up in traffic what a petty prick

We had a Karen complain that her service was slightly slower than usual at the dinner rush during a snow storm and we were short staffed, she gave us a 1 star review what a petty prick

by Mrdancodered94 December 21, 2023


So, when you get a lad that is cocky as fuck, 'taking baths' exactly 28 times a week and he's being sus with you all the time then craving love that's prickness.

'That's prickness, lad.'
'Total prickness.'

by Avery from discord LOL December 29, 2021

Crimping a Prick

When toilet paper particles build up in your crack and they roll into cigarette-like shapes.

I've been going through rolls of toilet paper Crimping a Prick.

by Froggo boi February 3, 2024