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The night rider

A mysterious figure that rides it’s skateboard through the night and protects the city of Covina from evil.

Yo Dre look at these skid marks. They must’ve been made by the night rider last night.

by Ramalisious June 5, 2020

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1. An online game where you build a sort of skate park.

2. An online game favoured by teenage boys who have nothing better to do so they can zone out.

3. Good alternative to computer lab and doing work in school.

I was so busted for playing line-rider last week!

by StuckinSchool87 April 10, 2009

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Item rider

An item rider is someone who use a random no sexual item for sexual purposes

John your wife is a total item rider

by Gamehater223 June 7, 2022

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Dot rider

a person that drives in the middle of the road. A person that can't make up their mind. May be drunk or just don't know how to drive.

"yo why don't you just pass this guy"

"I can't man he's a dot rider."

by angry drivers every April 1, 2009

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Goatee Rider

When your sexual partner has the more hairy genitals.

Jeff: Hey man! What's up?

You: I'm a little down in the sack..

Jeff: Oh. I know what's going on.. Your chick's got that Goatee Rider going on.

You: Yeah..

Jeff: Bring that broad over here! I love that shit!!

by BathroomHUMOR January 25, 2011

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Batty rider

1. A general insult one may use to offend another during a "cuss fight" or simply just to insult them.

2. A term referring usually to a homosexual who indulges in what may be considered gay activity with other males.

3. Anyone who has anal sex with another, irrespective of their gender.

She was a proper batty rider, the way she was going at him.

by Intellectualboy April 28, 2009

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bmx rider

only bmxers get the gash.
if you have a 25t sprocket youve got a 25inch dick, if your sprockets bigger youve got a small dick...

spectator 1 "woah look at that bmx rider do a footjam, hes got 25t sprocket"

spectator 2 "he must hae a big dick then"

by probmxf1tas January 3, 2012

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