To lay ones foot on a big fat hairy muff.
"I heard you flange stomped Mary, poor little lamb."
"I was flange stomping the other day and.."
"Flange stomping is a favourite past-time of mine"
Describing your comfortable vicinity.
You know me bro, I like staying around my " stomp stomps. "
Used to live in those apartments, I know some good places to eat since this used to be my "stomp stomps".
In sports a team is said to be Curb Stomped when they receive such a one sided beating from an opponent that total humiliation occurs occurs.
Ole Miss didn't just kick Georgia Tech's ass, they CURB STOMPED the mother fuckers!
Its used as a Verb
Meaning to put someones jaw on Cement then Stomping on his/her Head
Ex: I want to Curb-stomp that bitch so fucking hard.
Someone:being annoying af
Someone 2 : Jesus fucking christ, I want to curb-stomp that whore.
When U Forcefully Put Someones Teeth On A Curb and Stomp The Fuck Out oF eITHER thEir bAKS oR hEADS cAUSING sERIOUSE INJuRiES oR sOMETimES dEATH.
Curb Stomp
1: v. To place another's head on the edge of the curb and stomp the back of their head, so as to break their teeth..
2: an genre of music where in heavy metal lyruics are paired with Dubstep Music.
1. I curb stomped Chad Chadzly last night.
2. Last night's curb stomp set was awesome!