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Wrapped up

Wrapped up

Wrapped up

by Dantteky December 17, 2022

Duck Wraps

Used by tweens, teens, and young adults, mostly when they are in a situation where they want to swear but cannot so instead they say “duck wraps”.

Person 1: ohhhhhh that coffin just dropped!
Person 2: oh duck wraps!

by Bubbly Mango June 26, 2021

Snack Wrap

It's the part of the body dat pops out to u

Man that dudes snack wrap look bigger than a hot dog.
I Want To beeh her snack and unwrap dat gift.

by Sinqle_Gurl_Swaqq=] April 14, 2010

Hummus wrap

When you spread the lips of a pussy apart and cum in between the layers, making it a hummas wrap. If you wanna add hot sauce, wait till she’s on her period.

I went to Israel last month and that guy in the bar gave me a hummus wrap in the hotel room.

by Wowwhatagal April 20, 2020

trash wrap

an insult.

"hey you going to that concert?"
"nah i have work that night"
"lmao u trash wrap"

by @SophLivinLife669 July 31, 2016

tie wrap

Badass producer from Switzerland. Usually means someone is sexy and handsome as hell.

Damn boy, you sure are one hell of a tie wrap

by Tie wrap April 19, 2019

Tie Wrap

Être Tie Wrap c'est d'être une victime, une personne gossante, qui énerve et tape sur les nerfs du monde. Qui prends tout pour acquis.

"Hey ta cousine est Tie Wrap"
"Coudonc t'es dont bien Tie Wrap"

by YvngKushLoulou April 8, 2020