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a dumb fucking slut that no one likes. she’s a massive bitch and i hope she dies

Emma is a big dummmm bitchhh

by fat pp December 9, 2019

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She is a wonderful girl that is talk as fuck she were s red glasses that makes her beautiful. She, has a wonderful heart and is kind to almost everyone. She always says kk...

You fucking retarded good looking emma

by Yo...skinnypenis June 21, 2018

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Emma is a really good person to know she always is nice and sweet she dose tend to flirt a bit with guys though but yes emma is a sweet charming girl that is nice to everyone

Guy 1: Hey do you see that girl?
Guy2: yes i do what about her?
Guy1: well she is the most sweetest girl ever and the best person to be around with and hang out with

You should always want a Emma in your life!

by SniperYeet November 14, 2019

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Emma is so gay

by Bonita puta September 18, 2018

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Dumb likes to wach cornhub a player and has a terrible Pepa pig voice

Ur dummer than Emma

by Bruh/respect ur mom November 25, 2019

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Emma is great . She's also really small and a huge bottom but she doesn't like to talk about that . She is by far my absolute favorite human ever and I hate to admit it but her music taste might just be even better than mine.She is a lilkodexgigas stan and is desperate go to one of his future meet and greets . Emma's really funny and she knows it which makes her sense of humour even more god tier . She is the GAYEST person I have ever met . Even though she's small and I could easily accidentally step on her or lift her up on one arm she is a great best friend .

Emma is as small as a caterpillar.

by lilkodexgigas May 20, 2020

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stupid bitch. she isn't too pretty but she still snatches your man days after breaking up. she gets dropped but her friends because they realize how shitty she is.

Emma is a stupid bitch
god why are you being such an Emma

by snazzypizzaandchickiewings June 13, 2018

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