Source Code

junk mail

the obscure sexual act referring to gloryholing through a mailbox slot in someone's door. first refereed to in cyanide and happiness comic #2373

steve: hows the mailman going john?

john: awesome, dropped off my package in my neighbor's door yesterday, gave them some junk mail.

steve:aw, tha's nastyyy.

by GotAPackageForYou April 2, 2011

junk mail

Glory holing through a mail slot.

Did you hear that tom totally junk mailed linda last nite!

by 203628 April 2, 2011

Junk Mail

Gloryholing through a mailbox slot.

Guy 1: So you get yo dick sucked last night?

Guy 2: Yeah, but i didn't feel like looking at her face so I junk mailed her.

by JV25 April 2, 2011

Smell Mail

A Fart. A Fart intended to disgust a nearby person with only using the air as a conduit.

After eating huge quantities of cabbage and drinking 2 Liters of Rot-Gut whiskey, I released a terrible Smell Mail to my unsuspecting Manager at the office.

by Will and Steve December 16, 2008

mailed it in

work or perform in a perfunctory or unenthusiastic manner.

"on a team that otherwise mailed it in, she played this game hard"

by Arminkshipper January 20, 2025

Pink Mail

A form of blackmail where the female uses her vagina as leverage to get what she wants. Can also be used with bussies (a boy vagina).

Yo I can't believe that Victoria blackmailed Mr. Jefferson to win the contest

No gurl, you're wrong she pink mailed him

Ya, what a slut

by Cax_Maulfield March 19, 2018


Basically sexting only not as dirty (sexting is like talking dirty over text) its normally like a 11 to 16 year old thing and eventually will lead up to a meet(kiss with tounge)

I used to mail him but I dropped him because hes not that fit

by Thebiggingerboi February 2, 2019