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nerd bait

Someone who both attracts and exudes all things nerdy.

Peter Segal is a freaking nerd bait.

by David November 12, 2004

17๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž

Bait and Switch

When a girl stops putting out after she's married. Girls will act as though they are sexually liberated and always up for it, then once the guy is locked in they turn into a frigid prude.

Guy - "my wife used to be up for all kinds of kinky shit all the time when we were dating. Then we got married and it all stopped; I haven't had a blow job in 2 years."

Friend - "looks like she pulled the old bait and switch on you bro. Bitches be doing that to get a ring on it"

by Fullcore December 29, 2014

82๐Ÿ‘ 96๐Ÿ‘Ž

crocodile bait

A term of racism directed at an African/American or back person. Comes from Africa and is seen as a way of demeaning in a racial way

"Oh just leave him hes nothing but crocodile bait"

"All her relatives were crocodile bait"

by Laurence Connolly January 20, 2008

6๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž


v. A subset of bullying involving the act of luring a victim into an uncomfortable situation for the objective of humiliation. Such tactics led to the unfortunate death of Amanda Todd.

That guy was bear-baiting that girl into having sex with him while his girlfriend was on vacation.

by bubbabear244 October 25, 2012

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Race baiting

To use feelings over logic to manipulate people's feelings on certain racial arbitrary which then conceeds people to express there feelings on black lives matters and other races/racial stands.

Blm is a race baiting organization that uses violence to spread it's opinions.

by Addmeontwitinstalol December 4, 2017

132๐Ÿ‘ 148๐Ÿ‘Ž

fishermans bait

A fisherman retuned to port after a month at sea, only to realise the bait bucket had been out the whole time, the extremly hideous stench was so bad that upon nasal ingestion the man literally spewed his guts up! Hence the term BEWARE THE FISHERMANS BAIT. Over time the story has faded but left the term fishermans bait, now it is more commonly used to describe the feral puss or mackerel mick.

1.John said to his bitch your box smells like fishermans bait.
2.The smell of a cum filled whore's cunt hole after a two week fuck fest.
3.Rotten aroma of a mangeled mullet.
4.The incapcitaing fetor of a caviar cunt

by jimmy yogi August 22, 2006

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Tumblr Bait

The over-saturation, simplification, or over-portrayalin an often positive light of characters belonging to LGBTQ community within media such as movies or video games, often haphazardly inserted into a plot to pander to users of sites such as Tumblr.

"I really enjoyed Undertale, but the relationship between Alphys and Undyne seemed to be kind of shoehorned in...Do you think it was Tumblr bait?"

by Imudz February 22, 2017

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