The Bible is a book of GOD, it is Holy, though often contains many memes as said by the kids these days. Amen.
Dave: Oh Man, I love reading the Bible
Charlie: What’s that?
Dave: Something all the hip kids have
A bible is the holy book Christians use. It includes of all the people of God and the life of Jesus and letters. It focuses on how God saved The Jews, the people of God.
-Hey! What's your favorite part of the Bible??
-Hmm..I like the Book of Luke!
-Wow! Me too!
1. Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth
2. Book Interpreting Black Label Etiquette
3. Beast Inside Babylon's Loving Estuary
4. Basically an ancient book of chapters written in clues and riddles throughout, about God trusting a man and woman to manage and magnify his source of life, only to be disappointed by them getting naked, fucked and lazy instead. God throws them out of his garden paradise and they go on to create sin after sin with their own minds understanding, which repeatedly destroys their world.
5. A book of musical arrangement in theory.
6. The ancient Serpent, that old Devil and Satan; great red dragon; false prophet.
7. A book of spells, brainwashing, black Magick, recipes, vibrational influence/patterns, closure.
8. The pale horse named Death and Hell following.
The BIBLE is such a tricky and confusing novel about life after damnation and abandonment from God, when in reality the BIBLE is resounding the outcome resulting from people not practicing musical talents in every day living.
A Word used when you swear. Usually used by the Kardashian
Swear you won't tell anyone.
Kardashians definition of something you really mean like “on god”
“i hate annoying bitches”
The Bible is a book that was made between about 1200 and 165 BC and continuesly remade for thousands of years, the books timeline goes all the way to the beginning.
Hey, let's go to church, you need to know the bible to know God.
Originally popularized by the Kardashians, used at the end of a sentence to reassure that something (usually extraordinary) is true.
"I used to eat McDonalds 4 times a week, Bible"