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richard gym

Imbesil imbesil imbesil imbesil imbesil imbesil imbesil imbesil imbesil imbesil imbesil imbesil imbesil imbesil gay como sus hermanos imbesil imbesil imbesil imbesil

Joder que imbesil es Richard gym

by Fmarin 13 November 23, 2021

Gym pansie

Play on words with chimpanzie meaning your a bit thick and that you are a weakling and a poser and who needs to go to gym to inflate your ego

Your just a gym pansie bruv

by kellog10 May 11, 2014

itchy gym butt

when you've pooped recently and then go work out and while working out develop an intense irressistable ass itch that won't quit without the fiercest of scratching.

Monday I ate chili, tuesday afternoon I took a big shit then went to the gym. On the elliptical I had itchy gym butt something terrible.

by Kanisha J. January 22, 2014

2👍 2👎

giant gym rat

A giant rat that lives in a weird school that cant afford to get a exterminator.

The gym was buzzing with the usual chaos of kids running around, but then Kenza's eyes widened as she spotted something unusual. A giant rat, the size of a small dog, was perched precariously on the roof of the gym. It looked like it had been feasting on some serious gym snacks.

The janitor, Mr. Thompson, was a no-nonsense kind of guy. He saw the rat and, without missing a beat, grabbed his broom. With the precision of an Olympic javelin thrower, he hurled the broom at the rat. The broom hit its mark, and the rat tumbled down, landing with a thud on the gym floor. The kids erupted in a mix of cheers and screams.

But that wasn't the end of it. A few days later, during a particularly boring assembly, Kenza noticed the rat again. This time, it was lurking near the bleachers, right next to where all the 6th graders were sitting. Everyone was oblivious, except for one brave 7th grader who let out a blood-curdling scream, "RAT!" The entire gym went into a frenzy, with kids scrambling to get away from the bleachers.

Dance kid: ugh PE is so bad what do u even do?

PE kid: I watch janitors throw brooms at giant gym rats.

by February 26, 2025

gym nerd

Someone who goes to the gym but doesn't use the equipment. The average gym nerd continually talks about form and caloric intake. Being a gym nerd is often accompanied by a PT certification.

The gym nerd kept leering at me and tried to tell me I wasn't extending enough.

by WGstyles March 8, 2023

Gym Nerd

a person who always talks about going to the gym. Everything is about gym.
and also a word for people when someone mentions about going to the gym once.

Me:"If u used ur hours from playing roblox to going to the gym you'd be ripped asf"
10 year old on roblox:"YoUr SUcH a GyM nErD yOu ShOuLdN't Be FoRcInG PeOpLe" blah blah blah.

by BatuKham June 3, 2023

Gym Bro

A Gym Bro is an absolute chad who lives most of his life in a perpetual cycle of gains. The only words in his vocabulary are Protein, Bro, Gains, Chest, Shoulders, Lats, Bench,Cut, Bulk, and Creatine. A gym bro is also often found in a never ending state of itchiness from his Pre Workout addiction. Gym bros are also typically in constant state of body dysmorphia (until he gets a pump, of course) You can spot a gym bro in the wild wearing a oversized black hoodie in the winter and a stringer tank top in the summer with airpods and a blender bottle.

"Dude, did you see the guy buying protein powder and creatine in bulk at costco, he must be such a gym bro."

by Existing Hooman January 10, 2024