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Eliza is the best class president ever in the whole world I praise the ground she walks on

She's amazing. Also used to send the 25 questions which I have no idea about.

Person 1: Eliza is the best class president ever in the whole world I praise the ground she walks on
Eliza: Wow so true here are the 25 questions

by ionlyseemygoals_ September 25, 2023


When an individual is hard to get in touch with or contact. This can be through technology or face to face.

That man is currently presidenting.

by Happylaryysgs November 23, 2022


The act of doing the job of president well

Donald trump is ass at presidenting

by eggs_bacon_grits_and_SAUSAGE March 27, 2021

worst president

George W. Bush

Most people would agree that if we rank every former president (excluding dictators) of every single country of the planet, Bush would be on the bottom. Worst president ever

Dubya is a war criminal

by RationalFootballFan from Chile November 16, 2023

worst president

Probably Donald Trump

Guy 1: Who's the worst president?
Guy 2: James Buchanan!
Guy 3: Donald Trump!
Me: Fuck knows.

by 7568ino December 3, 2023

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