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Relationship Virgin

When you have not been in a relationship yet because you are young or a loser. Also happens when you are ugly... *cries in corner* Always gets friendzoned!

I sucks being a relationship virgin in 7th grade! Everyone has already found love but me!

by WhoDatFreshBoi February 11, 2017

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Russian Relationship

A relationship where if the girl doesn't like something that the guys does, she has to get used to it. Common in Russia and other European countries.

Josh and Ivanna are in a Russian Relationship

by PoI_DoS November 1, 2009

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relationship thing

when you are almost dating someone or talking to someone. It means lowkey dating.

I heard ashley and harrison are a relationship thing because they've been talking a lot! They are so cute!

by narwal.dont.fall November 23, 2016

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Recess Relationship

A short term relationship like one you would find at elementary school, where it only lasts till recess is over.

Man I sware those two only lasted for a day! Must be a Recess Relationship!

by Another2maro May 8, 2011

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Relationship goals

Cayden and Emily

Cayden and Emily are so incredibly cute together they are the urban dictionary definition of relationship goals. This on'e for you Em.

by yeetthatwheat February 17, 2019

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Relationship forward

Someone whom after u break up with your bf/gf you bounce back to...or rebound as in what a forward in basketball would do

relationship forward

by FakeNameGeitz March 5, 2009

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Facebook relationship

A couple where both partners obsessively use Facebook and only contact each other through this website.

John: Have you ever been over her's house?
Sam: Nah man but we hit each other up daily on facebook
John: What a Facebook relationship

by laxgurl28 February 27, 2012

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