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International UwU Day

A day hosted every year on July 15 in honor of the finding of the word UwU, invented by Jeff Bezos.

Happy International UwU Day Phil uwu!~
What is wrong with you Hank.

by BillClintonGaming June 24, 2022

fucking uwu

When you like doing uwu, but it's so good you get pregnant 6900 times.

This is fucking uwu, dan, let's push it real good even more.

by Mr. Venter June 4, 2022

National uwu XD ;-; day

Where all smol beans come together.

Smolbean69uwu: It's national uwu XD ;-; day!
Iliketits69: Stfu lol
Smolbean69uwu: :<

by gaymf April 22, 2021

3๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

syd uwu

most beutiful girl every <3

syd uwu

by sydwick October 27, 2021


the word "uwued" is used to annoy people and show hate, please use with caution as this very word can destroy the very universe of the internet as it is like a rickroll but worse.

(1): hello (2) how are you today!
(2): uwued
(1): AA-

by December 6, 2021

uwu baka boy

a uwu girls crush.

person 1: hey uwu baka boy~
person 2: hey uwu girl~

by discountcard June 7, 2022

UwU furry

A furry that is also a fucking weeb that pretends to watch anime and use emoticons like โ€œUwUโ€ โ€œOwOโ€ and โ€œ^w^โ€.

Person 1: Nya~! Hehe.. :3 Person 2: Shut up you fucking UwU furry.

by Free Children Destroyer December 3, 2022