He is that one, adorable little virus child from CartoonMania that resembles Casper the Friendly Ghost.
Why do we have hands? Pet Victor Virus, hold Victor Virus, cherish Victor Virus, & give beneficial possessions to Victor Virus.
Mass occurrence of botched haircuts during the Covid-19 lockdown.
Damn that Miley Virus got me lookin like Trump
1. A really inappropriate and funny way to inform someone that they tested HIV positive.
2. Can also be used to identify known carriers.
1. Well Jeff, I'm sorry, but you've got the AIDS virus.
2. You better wash that spoon, Gina has the AIDS virus.
A new virus from China that is spreading from touch. If you get touched by a girl with the Thot Virus then you will become a thot. Snorts books aswell!
Barry's friend: Hey Barry behind you!!!
Thot: *touches you*
Barrysl's friend: Oh no... YOU GOT THE THOT VIRUS!!!!
Barry: Hey Nick wanna suck my dick!
People infected this virus when being inspired by Arnold and become more creative especially in sexy way
Bob: U are so hentai with Arnold? Are u infected Arnold virus?
When so many people in a group or area are sustaining injuries that it seems contagious.
Man, it feels like everyone is walking with crutches now.
Yeah dude, the cripple virus is going around.
24 hour infection typically caught at social gatherings that causes the host to uncontrollably eat every carbohydrate known to human kind in search of satiation that will never come
Erin and Rob got stinking drunk on Saturday night, which resulting in virus eating for the entirety of Sunday and part of Monday too.