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prick trick

you can tie your 9 inch cock in a knot when it's flaccid

hey that's an amusing prick trick tying your dick in a knot. but what happens when you pop a rod and blow a load? ouch!!

by burbman1969 November 3, 2020

trick whitey

Term used to describe an Asian restaurant that is not really authentic or representative of the cuisine of that culture, but there mainly to cater to white people. The flavors, decor, service and uniforms of the staff are mainly there to satisfy the false impressions the clientele rather than give a realistic glimpse into the culture.

Often times these places can be spotted by noticing: really clean (if its a Chinese place), all the chefs you can see are Mexican, all the other diners are white, there are no Asian diners, and the place next door is full of Asians.

Whitey 1: Yo, man, I had some bomb-ass Japanese food last night.

Whitey 2: Fo shizzle? Where at?

Whitey 1: Benihana. Me and my ho loved it!

Whitey 2: Aw man, dat place ain't real Japanese food, it's trick whitey!

by ArabGoBoom August 3, 2012

egg trick

A very rare party trick that includes an egg being balanced on the tip of ones penis.

Person 1: WOW! Do you see Steve showing off his egg trick with grandma Faberge egg?

Person 2: Yeah dude! Steve's a fucking animal! All hail the king of the egg trick, amiright?

by Icy K December 26, 2015

Trick fart

Wet fart of a hookers john

Nasty as a trick fart

by TommySan March 11, 2022

Selling tricks

When a person performs sluty sexual acts for money.

Friend 1 "See that chick over there, shes selling tricks!"

Friend 2 " what tricks does she sell?"

Friend 1 "well she made my dick disappear down her throat".

by Urbanwordin^ September 6, 2019


The Art Of Gathering Enough Spit... And Releasing It At The Right Time Upon Ure Partner, To Make Them Think You Have Cum, Used In Conjunction WithThe-False-Cum

I Got The Trick Spit Perfect Last Night On Her Back She Tunrd To A Milky Greeting...

I Trick Spitted That Bitch...

by Yayo June 25, 2004

The wallet trick

Prank where two people, (the prankers), sit down on the left and right next to the targeted person. One pranker tells the target they want to show them the wallet trick and asks for the targets wallet. The target hands over the wallet, And the first pranker quickly tosses the wallet over the head of target, the second pranker catches the wallet over the targets head and then throws it down into the lap of the target, aiming to hit them in the genitals with their own wallet.

“I’m going to kill Tim and Ben later, they did the Wallet trick on me today during lunch and they got me right in the nuts.”

by V date May 12, 2020