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fishing trip

A phrase used to describe when someone posts a status to Facebook (or other social media) for the sole, pathetic, and plainly obvious purpose of baiting others into giving likes or positive comments to boost self-esteem.

Did you see Brianna go on that fishing trip last night? She posted, "Ugh, I feel like I never look good enough." Good thing almost nobody took the bait.

by HarrisonBergeron January 8, 2015

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trip balls

to hallucinagate when on mushrooms

i can't wait till this weekend, i'm getting my shrooms and i'm going to trip balls

by Anonymous November 15, 2002

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field trip

tripping on lsd or any hallucinogen during school hours

Joe went on a field trip without the rest of his class, NAH'M SAYIN?


by Jelard March 22, 2012

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Trip S

short for Souf Side Stanford or the Triple S. The grittiest, dirtiest, don't fuck around hurriest ghetto of Stanford University, which is the southern region.

Break yo self biiiitaaaachh. Don't you know you rollin through the Trip S?

by The Great El Luktio June 10, 2004

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Robo Trip

Tripping on cough syrup; mainly Robitussin, hence the name Robo Trip. Works with all cough syrups, whether mixed with sprite (purple drank) or not.

Check out how slow he is moving, he must be Robo Tripping.

by Ston'd November 13, 2010

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fit trip

aiming to look more attractive than usual.

Sade is sexy. She's definitely on a fit trip!

by qtrust June 15, 2008

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Bro'd Trip

A trip for strictly male friends.

The guys went on a Bro'd Trip. Final Fantasy XV

by Awwwwwwshet November 20, 2016

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