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Granny Wank

giving a girl a lick out when she has large fanny flaps

"Dude, i totally gave this girl a granny wank, the flaps were touching my ears."

by Plube09 January 1, 2009

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wank paradox

Wanking whilst thinking about someone that's wanking whilst thinking about you wanking whilst...

Dude, I got stuck in a wank paradox with your dad last night

by Wirey Streak of Piss February 23, 2011

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wank barrier

The mystical and sometimes unobtainable 7 wank barrier......the point at which you cannot wank any further due to draining the wank bladder

" I got some hot new porn last night and tossed myself stupid.....Still couldn't get past the wank barrier though!"

"She's a barrier babe!"...I.E a lady of such beauty as to be worth 7 wanks.

by combatstig March 15, 2009

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Chokey Wank

The act which results in a celebrity death as a result of a failed attempt at autoerotic asphyxia.

You know that Bill from Kill Bill died of a Chokey wank?

by Finnbarr March 8, 2010

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Wank Blackout

The act of masturbating in semi-erect mode and never reaching climax because one cannot decide upon a particular wank model. Also occurs if a series of past sexual images is constantly infiltrated by erotic memories best forgotten (i.e. gay experiments, big fat old birds, your best mate's ugly mum, etc.). May be linked to anxiety.

I was really in the mood for a wank the other night but when I got to the outdoor privvy I had a wank blackout.

by Fred Scurvy December 14, 2010

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revision wank

When you get so bored of revision the only thing left to do is to have a wank.

A form of procrastination.

A: God revision is so boring

B: Have a revision wank

A: Great idea dude

by michelleandjoe June 12, 2011

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Wank Holiday

A wank holiday is when, on a bank holiday (such as May Day), you stay at home all day and masturbate, preferably without leaving the house all day.

"What did you get up to on friday?"

"Ahh it was a wank holiday so i stayed at home and knocked 7 out"

by Muffin_UK April 3, 2009

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