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A black person it's just that simple

Yo bill my nigga wanna get some chips
This nigga crazy call the feds
Definition: Often used meaning friend or to get to the point quicker and is the black way to say nigger

by Apyyyy March 7, 2020


A term you use when you want to swear without saying / typing the word out

Ah, nigga, don't hate me 'cause I'm beautiful, nigga. Maybe if you got rid of that old yee-yee ass haircut you got you'd get some bitches on your dick. Oh, better yet, maybe Tanisha'll call your dog-ass if she ever stop fuckin' with that brain surgeon or lawyer she fucking with.

by Trapsare_cool May 4, 2021


a word used to adress homies if a white guy says it its instant 0 ping 0 packet loss straight to the ground knockout

Micheal: yo sup nigga
Jermayiah: wtf did u say (Knocks him out)

by Astronomical1x December 31, 2021


A word that only white people can say. If any other race says it, they're racist. It is mainly used as a mean word

Stupid nigga.

by Jask Plays May 19, 2024


A endering term for a friend or homie usually used by blacks and white people trying to be black.

Ayy that nigga is the nigga bro.

Ayy that nigga MAV 2 DOPE
Ayy nigga better have my money bitch ass nigga you hoe ass lame nigga never had a bitch nigga snitch nigga lil nigga lil nigga real nigga

by Mav2dope April 19, 2018


Refers to male/ another brother oppressed by the white man.

If you weren’t a nigga, people would’ve killed you already in 2019

by Yourdaddy206 February 4, 2019


Your A Dirty Dirty Nigga

Your A Dirty, Dirty Nigga

by IMakeKidsMoan December 31, 2021