When you wake up and expect to see colour, but all you see is Reen and Ged
Person: Good morning Ben, Lovely green grass outside isnt it?
Ben: Yo fam what you mean? the grass is Reen mate!
Person: o_O the fuck is Reen?
Doing a Ben
When you wake up and expect to see colour, but all you see is Reen and Ged
1) the precursor to misery, toil and troubling endema on stock markets globally. to insight this remark is conjure econo-hell, stagflation and the livin' end on the world as we at that knew/know it.
it's a tough phrase but someone's gotta utter it.
woe betide the one who does, as it marks the makings of history in progress, a history for which while you alone weren't responsible, you know you alone can be called to account, but won't be and this is just something you'll have to cope you bastard with.
2) like anything really.
the tough guys: Sell! Sell! Seal! SELL! SELL!
you: *meekly* err... sell? the tough guys are all doing it
I'm thinking I have the biggest crush on someone cant tell him his friends know constantly get shipped with him and well yeah hope he likes me back please say he does because I like him to the moon and back so yeah rizz I'm not quit a Jesus 'm more of an apostle I cant turn water into wine but I can turn you into mine well bye
do you know what I'm thinking the word is differed you know now so yeah
Rasmus is know for having sex with minors and allting their v card
Doing a Rasmus is a tribute to the slayer of all v Cards rasmus from Kolmården
I still cant sit since rasmus crushed my virgin pussy last month
when a person isn't happy with theirself, or life in general. then ups and decides to try to do better in life, usually not lasting longer than a few weeks.
fred: "oh so what barny you can't drink with us anymore?"
betty: "oh no he has a case of the do betters."
Does it look like I have food this is not McDonald’s bruh
Jacob:Do you have food
Lea: no your fat enough😑
Drugging your sex partner, waiting till they pass out. Then having a wank.
If you come to my house in going to be doing the dahma