When a severely unclean person (male or woman) does not clean their genitalia and when they pull the genitals apart a cheesy substance appears
Yeah i almost got to hit but she did the Dutch Cheese-pull
The act of a severely unclean male or woman goes too long without cleansing genitalia, and it grows a yellowish white milky substance like smegma but not quite smegma. this normally occurs with nasty ass white niggas
“i almost hit but she spread her lips and it turned into a Dutch Cheese-Pull”
A way for Muslims to say “Jesus Christ” without feeling Guilty
Basa : That Cars about to Crash
Rakka : “3,2,1” *Accident Happens*
Zee : Cheeses Fries
When you make a thing up to win points in a word game, hoping your friends don't realise it doesn't exist.
"oh have you not heard of Basildon cheese? It's a local delicacy"
It's when your coochie is just not good. Its yellow, smelly, repulsive. It is very spreadable so kind of like an std. (can be moldy when you're an old lady)
Yooo your girl got coochie cheese watch out or you might get it too.
Grill cheese meme hahaahah
Person 1: I'm hungry.
Person 2: So lick that coat! You smell like a-
Person 1: Grill Cheese.
Person 2: What?
Person 1: Grill me a cheese.
Person 2: I'm not grilling you a cheese!
*Person 1 starts ugly crying.*
Person 2: Wha-
*more ugly crying from Person 1*
Person 2: Ugh.. Fine!
*Person 2 makes Person 1 a grilled cheese sandwich.*
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