Another day, another victory for the ogs, taking down the sweats, the imposter in among us!
RHM: "Let's go! we won the match, we're actually the best trio fr"
Nae Nae: "Another day, another victory for the ogs, taking down the sweats, the imposter in among us!
Ollie Mollie: ...ok buddy
A queen laying down sarcastically
Down laying- a Bitch with a attitude who thinks she's a queen laying down
when you and your girl are too keen on each other they decide to settle down
Harry recons Lexie is fit as fuck and wants to settle down
It means you’re forever with your partner.
Rhys: “Shawn was doing the Four fingers up and middle finger down in his post” .
John: “bro he must love her then for real”.
Down the Services means you've got a chocolate stabber up your ring as the Services are a well known night time meeting place for ring jockeys looking for dogging action.
Old Denbo enjoyed calling his magic taxi to take him down the Services for late night duties.
into fuckning black girls
Yo are you down with the mocha