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A (usually) big meat stick that you should put in your mouth and suck on but don't bite it or you might go to jail

Guy 1:can I suck your penis

Guy 2: sure but you have to promise to suck it till the milk comes out and drink it all

Guy 1: okay

by PenisPenisPenis3000 November 14, 2021


mines large

You’re penis is large

by Yessssmaamlol September 25, 2021


A fun little dangly thing

Stop playing with your penis!

by FatDude116988 May 24, 2023


A lot of people say a dog is a man's best friend, but obviously those people have never explored themselves.

Penis; I love having sex with my penis

by A Wise Man Said So June 27, 2023


A sexual toy that someone named Noah likes to use a lot

Penis is so good for I

by PENISLOVER669 February 13, 2018


Something men lose after cheating on their wife/girlfriend/boyfriend/area51escapee #theycantstopusall

Jesus mate me wife chopped me penis off after she saw mw having sex with her chav mate clarissa

by lennondonnie September 25, 2019


The thing above your balls wich a man uses to fuck the girls mostly the biggest PENISES belong to alfies

oh shit your PENIS is big

by your mu July 4, 2024