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Sleeping Bag-Job

Opposite of a Bag Job. Implying that the person in question has an attractive face, but with a very unattractive body, and so in order the sleep with the girl, a sleeping bag must be used to cover up the body and complete intercourse.

I'd fuck Erin, but she'd have to be a sleeping bag-job.

by ErinBagJob May 24, 2021

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bean bag burn

when you put your balls on someones head and shake them till it leaves an indian burn

i tea bagged a head and moved them rapidly on his head till it got a bean bag burn mark on it

by giggle nutts May 3, 2011

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Big bag of dogs

A big bag of dogs (what did you expect)

Oh no he has a big bag of dogs that he stole

by Coolhusky March 27, 2021

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When a man doesn't wash their ballsack for a long time and gets grease on their ballsack, then continues to drag their ballsack acrose another persons face leaving a grease mark on their face.

"Whats with Franks face." "some guy gave him a Mc-T-bag"

"Dude the douchebag is passed out. Give him a Mc-T-bag."

by ultra_queer December 28, 2011

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Dropped your Bags

Pull down ones trousers

Me: Man, last night was uneventful

Friend: What do you mean you dropped your bags on live TV and mooned the entire world.

by sneakysneaky123 June 1, 2022

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trollin bag whore

One who trades sex for dope.

One who strolls the streets just looking for a poor soul to steal dope from. She trades sexual favors for drugs.

This particular Troll will fuck anything from human to animal. She does not care if he is In a relationship or not, this troll will do whatever it takes for the next hit.

As I was walking down the street, a trollin bag whore emerged from the gutter to feed.

by Amy Jae September 8, 2018

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emotional douche bag

a fucking asshole who decided to be a fucking cry baby and cry about every thing.

DUSTIN is an emotional douche bag

by hisoldbitch69 November 23, 2015

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