A slang term referring to the anus or poop-related matters, often used to describe something unpleasant or unattractive in a humorous or exaggerated manner. It is considered the "ugly rival" to the more glamorous "Pink Cadillac” symbolizing something far less desirable, both in appearance and association. A brown Lexus is typically used to describe situations, actions, or things that are dirty, unpleasant, or unrefined.
Example 1: "Man, I had the worst experience at that restaurant. I ended up with a brown Lexus situation after that meal."
Example 2: “My Girl wants a ride to this place via the Hershey Highway and I told her to leave the pink Cadillac at home and take a ride on the Brown Lexus”
Vinnys favorite morning snack, it consists of some cheesy browns. A rare delicacy consisting of some of the finest Lunds and Byerlys cheese mixed with pure Idaho potatoes shredded fresh from the ground.
Me: Hey Vinny! What did you have for breakfast?
Vinny: Hey man I just had some cheesy browns!
when theres just a fat shit log dangling out your ass, but you dont have the physical strength necessary to push it the rest of the way out so its just kinda hangin there
"im shitting at work"
"is it just hanging out of your ass rn"
"brown slinky"
when you take a shit and the the fecal residue won't come off no matter how much you wipe
guy 1: "dude i was taking a shit and i got the infinite brown glitch"
guy 2: "damn"
When someone is killin’ it in professional wrestling.
Did you see the Dalton Castle match last night? He is Partheny Brown to the max!!!!
A kid that is chill doesn't talk but once you get to know him he is one of funniest,smartest, and coolest kids you'll ever meet also sexy
He is such a sebastian brown