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The Grilled Cheese Show

Fun cheesy variety show with skits interviews and musical performances.

Wow! I found so much music and laughed my ass off watching The Grilled Cheese Show!

by The Grilled Cheese Show September 30, 2022

Mean grilled cheese

An outrageous spectacular supercalifragilisticexpialidocious grilled cheese. Superior to all other grilled cheeses.

Baxter: What’s for dinner?
Trick: I’m making some mean grilled cheeses you want one?
Baxter: yeye

by TuckYourChainz March 14, 2019

Big Mac With Cheese

The definition of "Big mac with cheese" is a insult also a comparison to a young teenager, Yob or chav because they stand outside mc donalads or jobcenter holding their genitalia talking about their super charged turbo 1.1 fiesta with a big bore exhaust, "ayye I lad " accent, Pure gas so they are "big" Wanna be macs "mac They are pathetic an greasy makes the "cheese"

1. Scum in a tracksuit also know as "big mac with cheese"

2.Criminals waiting for a burger

by Master obi konobi February 28, 2012

Chigga Cheese Meal

Traditionally a word used to insult someone but is also a meal consisting of a flat bread, bovril, gherkins and cheese.

"You smell like a chigga cheese meal" , "you look like a chigga cheese meal", "I'm gonna make a chigga cheese meal"

by Mr.Chigga November 30, 2023

Poisonous Cheese

Misinformation to see if a person is trustworthy or not.

I suspected Dan of being a Rat Bastard so I fed him poisonous cheese about Bob and it circulated in five minutes.

by Hidden Interview August 16, 2017

Cheese Squeeze

When you take multiple cheeses, squeeze it into a ball, lube it up with cheese whizz, and swallow it whole.

Yo Alex and Sarah, you should do a cheese squeeze at your fancy-ass wine and cheese party.

by JugChugger December 14, 2019

European cheese burger

A cheese burger that the people from over in that one fucking place eat you know what I mean?

Go eat a European cheese burger fag tard

by Luciepoo March 23, 2022

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