A Mr BEE is a person born on 14 November and is a fantastic Maths teacher with a great sense of humour. If you get to know him he likes cricket and teaching great students. Sometimes a Mr BEE gets angry when his students arrive late and the only people in class early get to do a Kahoot while the other have to watch from outside. He also likes going to the gym and getting strong.
Mr. Squidlz is a little bitch, he doesn't even like frotnit. He is a bad person. he also is friends with David Earhart.
God, I fucking hate that MR. Squidlz
to describe some one as being super whipped by their girl/boyfriend.
hey did you go out last night or did you get stuck with a mr whippy shift.
When you’re with a hot woman, and you insert a can of ready whip into her touchhole, and pull the trigger, fill with cream and void, and pop it out. Have her fart the whip cream on your face, and you scream “WELL HELLOOOOO!” In your best Mrs. Doubtfire.
I heard Freddie is a whip cream fanatic, even got the Dirty Mrs. Doubtfire from Yeates.
A nice person, or known as a simp.
“See that guy over there? He looks like a Mr Sebesta.” , “how come?”, “well, he’s being a total.. simp-“
he likes to looks at childrens butts and give out disbeharour notices
mr Whiteroad took m phone AGAIN!!