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cheese bear

the biggest fags of all fags, you would never want a cheese bear in your life they’re usually fat too

hey is that cheese bear ?

cheese bear looks fat

by fuckingcoolassmf May 20, 2021

Cheese pool

When a womens vagina is completely filled or submerged in semen by multiple guys

"1: Hey dude...."
"2: hmm?"
"1: i gave this girl a cheese pool last night and her clit is torn"
"2: DAMN!*

by DESTINY936 June 21, 2024

Crevice cheese

The coagulation of nacho cheese inside of a folded tortilla chip.

Joel was elated when he grabbed the chip full of crevice cheese.

by Branks April 27, 2020

Cheese Whistle

A descriptive name given to a smegma caked penis.

"Get that filthy cheese whistle out ma face, its fuckin stinkin"

by Tendek February 7, 2021

Burnt Cheese

When a frog burns the chees yeah

Bopis why did you make that burnt cheese

Bopis: bog

by Super Blue March 12, 2022

chili cheese tops

The ingredients are mainly chili, cheese and sometimes tops!! It is made in the shape of a golden nugget and sometimes it hot af.

Chili cheese tops makes my ass feel like a volcano busting.

by The man of Skirmir March 16, 2019

Cheese Burger Man

A name that the homeless man that is a alcoholic From SML(Super Mario Logan) said to Mario because he gave him a cheese burger man but how homeless man spells it is is cheez berger man

Homeless guy: Cheez Berger man
Mario: my names not cheese burger man it's Mario
Homeless guy: cheeez berger man

by ILOVEGASPARDULLIEL1267 May 23, 2024