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Ur mom

The hottest woman alive.

Person: I met the sexiest woman ever
Person2: who was it?
Person: ur mom

by Ur wife >:) February 25, 2022

ur mom

A highly intelligent response, this is mostly used by Albert Einstein. Smart people think of this joke, it is rated danger class nb. 9 , please do not use this infront of someone.

ur mom is so fat she walk like fat

by TheFactRevealer July 30, 2020

ur mom

a common insult among small children

kid 1: what should we get for dinner

kid 2: ur mom

kid 1:...

by the epic pro gamer November 29, 2021

Ur mom

A comeback to literally anything that little kids use to insult others

Me : ur fat bruv
Jerry: we ain’t fat!!
Bob: I know, your fat!!
Me: ur as fat as ur mom
Bob + Jerry : Fuck!!

by FaZe N1NJ4 July 8, 2019

Ur Mom

Ur Mom is a comeback for literally anything

someone: You look like a person that eat cereal with a fork
You: Then I guess I look like UR MOM
Someone: *dies*

by NoTuRmOm@27 October 27, 2022

ur mom

what a milf.

guy 1: wow bro! Ur mom is a milf !

guy 2: no, ur mom is.

by ilovedrewstarkey November 25, 2021

Ur Mom

Ur mom is a phrase used to be funny or comical, people often use it when being sarcastic.

Who wants ice cream? Ur mom.

by someone is here writing things February 9, 2022