Boyfriend: hey baby it's "monkey time".
Girlfriend: ok be there in a sec ;).
A monkey with a AK 47 will come to your house, and destroy the things you love.
Monkey Time: A monkey with a AK 47 came to my house, and destroyed my play-doh boots.
When something is just too weird, and the only way to describe it is that of a beard attached to a monkeys face.
Can you believe Shangela eats sofa cushions on the reg? That's weird as a monkey's beard!
When a female farts and it slides up the front and blasts out her vagina.
That fart ended up monkey blasting right up the front!
When my Dog cleans herself , licks her ...vagina..,then attempts to give "kisses". … ..
Stop Puddles!! No Monkey Muncher Kisses!
name for Asian person who eats monkey
"hoolei fukke is a monkey muncher"
“monkey tangle” is a term used when two african american beings indulge into entercourse of any kind.
white woman to african american man- “want to do a little monkey tangle?”
african american man- “you not my kind”