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Monkey time

It's freaky time.

Boyfriend: hey baby it's "monkey time".
Girlfriend: ok be there in a sec ;).

by Anonymous5926 November 27, 2022

Monkey Time

A monkey with a AK 47 will come to your house, and destroy the things you love.

Monkey Time: A monkey with a AK 47 came to my house, and destroyed my play-doh boots.

by BobTheBird5 March 7, 2021

Weird as a monkey's beard

When something is just too weird, and the only way to describe it is that of a beard attached to a monkeys face.

Can you believe Shangela eats sofa cushions on the reg? That's weird as a monkey's beard!

by Dr. Hand May 22, 2024

Monkey Blast

When a female farts and it slides up the front and blasts out her vagina.

That fart ended up monkey blasting right up the front!

by sks4540 March 21, 2020

Monkey Muncher

When my Dog cleans herself , licks her ...vagina..,then attempts to give "kisses". … ..

Stop Puddles!! No Monkey Muncher Kisses!

by MrsWily June 25, 2017

monkey muncher

name for Asian person who eats monkey

"hoolei fukke is a monkey muncher"

by gorzan August 10, 2021

monkey tangle

“monkey tangle” is a term used when two african american beings indulge into entercourse of any kind.

white woman to african american man- “want to do a little monkey tangle?”
african american man- “you not my kind

by Keith Herbenson April 24, 2023