A word that a person named Sydney would use
Person 1 how u doin
Sydney ur mom
ur mom is a joke, it is used when being insulted and/or when making a joke. it is highly recommend to use this word when being roasted
This word is meant to offend people that don't have moms and kids that are orphans!
Ur mom was so stunned she left the hospital as soon as she saw you!
It’s a “comeback” mostly used for humor purposes don’t get offended If someone says it to you. It’s genuinely not used like to make someone feel bad like we aren’t actually doing your mom and if you think that I’m concerned
Josh:hey what r u doing after school today
Me: ur mom
Carter: Hi man, what did you do today?
Man: I made a list.
Carter: Whats on the list?
Man: Ur Mom
Carter: Hi man, what did you do today?
Man: I made a list.
Carter: Whats on the list?
Man: Ur Mom