A girl who no matter where she is she is trying to get some D
"Do You think I have a chance with her?"
"Obviously dude she's a full time ho. Anybody has a chance with her"
booty whore thot ho
When the lady turns into ishowspeed and starts barking on your penis.
Last night my girlfriend did doggy woof woof time during sex
Time designed to your girlfriend and not spent playing Xbox with your stinky friends.
“Hey Abram, get on Xbox”
“I can’t right now, it’s Patience Time”
- Doing unproductive work at office
- Wasting time when someone during paid time.
Tamas was doing time corruption by watching porn in office time.
The last thing you'd wanna hear after a job interview, especially when you thought you did well
*receives email notification*
email: We HaVe DeCiDeD tO mOvE fOrWaRd WiTh OtHeR cAnDiDaTeS aT tHiS tImE
Getting The Sale! For the Win! Anything positive for your benefit or for the team, regardless of whether the "time" or "event" taking place is plural or singular.
Hey Guys!!! Johnny just bagged another sale!
Benji : Two Times A Good Time!