being a fookin centrist and not picking sides, coming across as opinionless
Raveen, pick a cheese bro stop making peace between the cheeses.
When a man bends over and simultaneously pees and poops in a girls mouth.
This girl was begging me for some chili cheese action last night.
When you have shit stains in your underwear and they smell like cheese
My boyfriend needs to learn how to wipe his fucking ass! Everytime I go to do the laundry his Underwear always smells like Butt Cheese
Cheese that is stored between the butt cheeks
women: dang i'm hungry
man: well i got some butt cheese
women: that is interesting, what kind?
man: i have swiss, american and cheddar
Derogatory term for voluntary EMS provider.
Susan F is a Blue Cheese Dick after driving the ambulance to a routine standby.
Masterbaiting really fast in a short amount of time.
I always Squeeze Mah Cheese in the bathroom, 4 minutes before English class starts.
A white man or woman who is ashamed of their race. Is apologetically white.
I saw my ex girlfriend on TV today. She was kneeling before a black dude during a BLM rally. That poor girl has gone 100% cheese honkey