To Mom-punch is to nag, micro-manage, and generally tear away the spirit of a holiday or special occasion.
Your friends and class-mates can Mom-Punch your achievements by telling you technical aspects of your accolades that make it less good
For example, after opening gifts on Christmas, mom says to kids: “it’s time for breakfast, then have to have a shower and get you clothes on. And oh! You have to get all this mess cleaned up!” “You just Mom-punched Christmas! Can’t we play with our toys?”
Or after you finished beating your very best time in a Cross-Fit workout, your buddy Mom-punches your record by telling you the the pushups were kind of wrong.
zayhs mom also known as the baddest mother in packing com, so beautiful with the best looking owl eyes.
i’d marry zayhs mom with no hesitation what’s he gonna do? bring out the apo?