The most iconic word for salty idiots on games such as roblox, minecraft fortnite. It is usually said after they kill or get killed by an enemy player. It is used to insult their opponent by calling them young. It is almost a second nature to them. They would call someones grandma a kid online. If someone calls you kid, you can assume that they are getting pretty pissed. The people who call others kid are guaranteed not over the age of 16. Don't call others "kid" people, it is a compliment :D.
Person 1- (dies)
The reason why we have cheap labour
"what should we do with the Kids working in the coal mines?"
-A "father"
A young growing human who ages from 1 to 17 and goes to elementary and high school
Kids are amazing
man:how bout we go to your place woman:cant have kids how about your place man:on second thought i shouldn't i have a thing in the morning
Man 1: Hailey is such a Kid.
Everyone Else: Yeppers
someone your usually mad at and do not know the name of, so you just call them kid
Kid! your actually trash at call of duty