you have just snaked your way from 1 to'. this is the most bored you will ever get
you bored
not enough to type 1qazxsw23edcvfr45tgbnhy67ujm,ki89ol./;p0-'
don't even know what you've done
person 1: hi you gbhisrhrhgt
person 2: 1qazxsw23edcvfr45tgbnhy67ujm,ki89ol./;p0-'
Something that you type on your keyboard when you are bored out of your mind!
Girl one: "How was class?"
Girl two: "It was so jahhkehdsp'/;p0-00908l'k'sjf:j;js;j igqprwf/ilyoid//ejjfjdhfdd!"
When you are starting to get extremely bored, but there are much higher levels of boredom awaiting you
I'm starting to get `zaq1xsw2cde3vfr4bgtnhy6mu7,ki8.lo9/;p0'-=