A group of people made up from a art server on Discord that consists of mainly crackheads very talented artist and paper consumers
You are a p æ p ə ř č œ ń § ů m ə ř §
9👍 3👎
all the option letters
13👍 4👎
WTF, you are probably just holding ALT while pressing every key on your keyboard. You might just be really bored
7👍 5👎
For some reason you tried to write every single key on a scandinavian keyboard, you are bored and weird.
|1234567890+\§!"#¤%&/()=?`@£$€{}´qwertyuiopåasdfghjkløæzxcvbnm<>*^~,.-;:_QWERTYUIOPÅASDFGHJKLØÆZXCVBNM`wè`r`t`yùìò`p`åà`s`d`f`g`h`j`k`l`ø`æ`z`x`c`v`b`n`m `Q`WÈ`R`T`YÙÌÒ`P`ÅÀ`S`D`F`G`H`J`K`L`Ø`Æ`Z`X`C`V`B`N`MtÿüïöäËÜÏÖĨMûîôâÛÎÔÂñ is a word now.
12👍 2👎
This is a very rare phenomenon where people have just found out that the alt/option key makes new letters and types diagonally from right to left. This is really the TRUE DEFINITION OF BOREDOM
buddy: bro what are you doing
you: I just found out the alt/option key does something
buddy: so....
you: «‘æ÷≠“…≥–π¬≤ºø˚µªˆ∆˜•¨˙∫¶¥©√§†ƒç∞®∂≈¢´ßΩ£∑噜¡
buddy: WTf