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A fucking hot chick


Boy 2:Yeah, the fucking hot one. Full of sass too
Boy:Ohhh her!!

by Snakesnakesnake September 13, 2014

36πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž


A beautiful,quite,shy girl with a big heart.When you are in trouble or are very nervous,tell her all your worries,she will understand and will give advice to you on what you should do.
When she get's mad it's really dangerous to be next to her.She can sometimes be mean or rude but she has a bright side.She is very loyal and will never betray.If you have a friend named Amelia,Call her,text her,or tell her in person that you are greatful that she has appeared in your life.

My friend:Ugh I am so worried to ask my crush out!
Me (Amelia): Hey it's fine,Just gain his/her trust,become friends and then when they get to know your bright side ask them out.

by ChickenBudi860906 July 10, 2019

10πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


Amelia is an amazing girl with beautiful brown eyes and brown hair who is funny and a person everyone wants to be friends with. Amelia is latin for admiring. Overall Amelia's ae great people.

Guy 1"Wow that girls amazing!"
Guy 2 "Yeah, her names Amelia."

by ninjapig7 May 2, 2011

235πŸ‘ 117πŸ‘Ž


Amelia is the baddest bitch you’ll ever meet. Simple.

Cam: Amelia is a bad bitch

Jay: duh !

by Angelicqueen March 25, 2019

15πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


A girl, generally with blonde hair, who has the most contagious laugh you'll ever hear and the most gorgeous smile you'll ever see. Although she is short in stature, she has the biggest personality you'll ever meet. This amazing person will make you feel like the funniest person in the world when she laughs at your jokes. She is an amazing, loyal friend who you can always turn to. The kind of girl who, when you first see her, you instantly want to date her. She has the kind of beauty that can light up the darkest of days and always have the ability to make you smile. Although she may be short to some people, her height is what makes her such a great dancer!

Boy 1: Damn! Who is that gorgeous barista?

Boy 2: Oh that's Amelia, you'd be lucky if you'd had a girl like her!

by AltF4bulous June 28, 2018

7πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


Amelia is a classic girl with a warm heart, she wants to be friends with everyone but is often forgotten when it comes to party invites and social events. She likes vintage clothing and doesn't really like to stand out in a crowd. Amelia has a soft, gentle voice and a kind nature - wishes no harm on anyone and will be joyful throughout life.

Lauren: Did you invite Amelia?
Scarlett: Oh, no, I forgot.
Lauren: Oh well.
Sarah: Oh, but Amelia's lovely!

by samsamspam April 10, 2011

240πŸ‘ 130πŸ‘Ž


A verryy hot girl who will always make you laugh she normals has boys talking bout her all the time

Wow Amelia’s looking verryy hot today

by (Mia) January 8, 2018

18πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž